Terms and Privacy


By using the services provided by reverse-text-generator.com, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

  1. The use of the reverse-text-generator.com services is at your own risk.
  2. You are fully responsible for any data transmitted to the reverse-text-generator.com servers.
  3. You agree not to use the reverse-text-generator.com service to upload any illegal material.
  4. You agree not to integrate the reverse-text-generator.com service into your own or third-party applications.
  5. You may use the reverse-text-generator.com service for any purpose (personal or commercial).
  6. We reserve the right to change or discontinue any service of reverse-text-generator.com at any time.
  7. We reserve the right to change the terms of this agreement without notice.
  8. The reverse-text-generator.com service is provided without any warranty.


Your privacy is important to us. Here is how we protect it:

  1. We do not collect or save any data you submit.
  2. We do not share or access any submitted data and generated files.
  3. Google collects data and uses cookies to serve personalized ads and measure performance on this website. Learn how Google collects and uses data. You can disable ad personalization at any time in your Google account settings. Additionally, we use cookies for statistics. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies.